New Solo Exhibition at Hugo Galerie in New York City, Madison Ave,
My 2nd solo exhibition of new work with Hugo Galerie, on view from Oct 7-31.
New Solo exhibition running through June 14, 2020 with Hugo Galerie NYC
Very Happy to be showing with Galerie Artima, Paris in Miami.
Solo exhibition opening August 23 at Pryor Fine Art, Atlanta, GA.
July5-7, 2019 with Sturgis Art Gallery, NYC Market Art & Design Fair at Bridgehampton Museum, Hamptons, Long Island, NY.
This Weekend, with Sturgis Art Gallery, NYC Market Art & Design Fair at Bridgehampton Museum, Hamptons, Long Island, NY.
Very Happy to Announce new gallery representation with Hugo Galerie in NYC. Solo exhibition coming in 2020
Solo show at M Fine Arts Galerie in Boston opens October 1. Opening October 6, 2017
+ Scope Miami, 2017, International Art Fair
Very Happy to be showing several paintings with Sirona Fine Art in Miami.
+ Scope Miami, 2017, International Art Fair